Catalog - Monographs

Monographs are written materials that are primarily text, such as books, master’s theses, articles, collections of essays and other documents. There are items in English, Indonesian and Javanese. The price is 15 cents per page or as marked.

Acker, Gregory

To Sound Them, The Keys: Gamelan Amadindas Genealogy (Vol I)

A practical & historical guide to gamelan & shadow puppets in music education. M.A. thesis. 175 pp.



To Sound Them, The Keys: Gamelan Amadindas Same Story, Different Endingss (Vol II)

Four case studies and appendices. M.A. thesis. 200 pp.

M. Ack02

American Gamelan Institute

Archives Research Catalog

A complete listing of the Archives collection of materials on all aspects of gamelan and related performing arts.


Alexander, Thomas Armour

Concentricity and Transition: Drums and Drum Makers of Solo

The history, cultural context, and making of drums in Central Java. M.A. thesis. 260 pp.


Asnawa, I Ketut Gede

The Kendang Gambuh in Balinese Music.

M.A. thesis. 120 pp.


Bandem, I Made

Ensikolopedi Tari Bali [Encyclopedia of Balinese Dance]

Description of major forms, characters, stories and terminology used in Balinese dance. In Indonesian.


Prakempa: Sebuah Lontar Gambelan Bali [Prakempa: A Manuscript on Balinese Gamelan]

An important palm-leaf manuscript (lontar) on Balinese cosmology and music. In Indonesian.


Beck, Gina Carol

The Javanese Gender Panerus: An Analysis of the Performance of Pak Minarno

Transcriptions and analyses of 18 slendro pieces. 378 pp.


Bell Cowan, Joan

Gamelan Range of Light: The Influence of Instrument Building on Composition

M.A. thesis. Building and tuning extended range instruments. Includes scores. 75 pp.


Benary, Barbara, ed.

EAR Magazine: Indonesian Arts in America

Articles on instrument building, programs for children, dance and shadow plays, and scores.


Devereaux, Kent

Wayang Purwa: An American Adaptation of a Javanese Shadow Play

Beautiful book, hand typeset in India, of a Javanese form adapted for an American audience.


Diamond, Jody

Modes of Consciousness and the Learning Process: An Alternative Model for Music Education

M.A. thesis. Music learning in Bali as the basis of an educational model that develops musical feeling and a non-competitive group process. 108 pp.


Dithrich, Will

The Mills College Gamelan: a documentation

Detailed drawings of the Mills College Gamelan, designed and built by Lou Harrison and William Colvig.


Dresher, Paul

The Design and Construction of a Contemporary American Gamelan

M.A. thesis. With several charts and drawings. 117 pp


Peter Garland

Gone Walkabout: Essays 1991- .

In the fall of 1991 Garland began his "life of two suitcases" and a 41-month journey that took him around the world and back. This volume comprises seven of the essays written during that time, including those covering his journeys in Mexico and Southeast Asia.


Harnish, David

Exploring "Stabile VI"

A new music composition for Balinese gamelan by Donald Wilson Includes study scores.


Hardjana, Suka

Enam Tahun Pekan Komponis Muda 1979–1985 [Six Years of the Young Composers’ Festival]

Documentation of the first six years of an important festival of new Indonesian music. In Indonesian.


Hadley, Peter

New Music for Gamelan by North American Composers.

An historical overview of gamelan in North America and profiles of thirteen composers and selected works. 139 pp.

M. Hadl01

Hoffman, Stanley

NEW! Epistemology and Music in Java

A discusion of the principles by which sound is perceived and ordered in Javanese gamelan music. M.A. thesis. 93 pp.


Humardani, S.D.

Kritik Musik [Music Criticism]

Essays by the visionary former director of ASKI Surakarta. In Indonesian. 29 pp.


Kumpulan Kertas Tentang Kesenian [Collected Writings on the Arts]

33 pp.


Masalah Dasar Pengembangan Seni Tradisi [Problems in the Development of Traditional Arts]

Addresses concerns of the survival of traditional arts. In Indonesian. 45 pp. (English translation by Alec Roth. 38 pp.).


Perbendaharaan Gerak Tari [Dance Movements]

Vocabulary of dance movements. 154 pp.


Johnson, Henry M.

Preliminary Examination of the Pitches and Intervals of the Otago Gamelan

Difficulties encountered and questions raised. 26 pp.


Kartomi, Margaret J.

Musical Instruments of Indonesia: an introductory handbook

Color catalog from Monash University, Australia. 60 pp.


Kusumo, Sardono

Masyarakat Dayak dan Hutan Kalimantan [Dayak Society and the Kalimantan Forest]

Exhibit program includes Sardono’s essay "Journey in the Forest: Meditations of a Dancer". In Indonesian. Free.



Tinjauan Musikal Gending-Gending Karya Rasito

Research focus is to highlight the special features of Rasito\\'s composition and to be used as a clarification for musicians. Text in Indonesian. 17pp.


Lysloff, Rene

The Gong-Chime Bonang Barung in the Central Javanese Gamelan: Aspects of Musical Function and Idiom in Contemporary Practice

M.A. thesis. Extensive description of the bonang. Transcriptions and analysis of several pieces. 398 pp.


Martopangrawit, R.L.

Pengetahuan Karawitan Vol. Ia [Knowledge of Karawitan]

A comprehensive theoretical approach to Central Javanese gamelan music. In Indonesian. 32 pp.


Pengetahuan Karawitan Vol. II

In Indonesian. 59 pp.


McNamara, Molly Ann

Solonese Gending Bonang: Repertoire and Playing Style

A wealth of information, with transcriptions of performances by Soekanto Sastrodarsono. 390 pp.


Mendonça, Maria

NEW! Approaching the Analysis of Javanese Pathet: A Consideration of Current Research.

90 pp.


Mintz, Barbara

Color • Bali • Color

A coloring book of animals , artists, and village activities.


Montagu, Jeremy

The Javanese Gamelan Kyai Madu Laras

Pamphlet from the Bate Collection of Historical Instruments at Oxford. Description of instruments and tuning tables.


Murtiyoso, Bambang

Pengetahuan Pedalangan [Puppetry Knowledge]

Discussion of details of puppet forms. In Indonesian. 149 pp.


Seni Pedalangan Unsur-Unsur Pokok [Basic Elements of the Art of Javanese Puppetry]

In Javanese. 14 pp.


Petersen, Robert Steven

Umar and Amir: The Iconography and Ethos of the Rod-Puppetry of Central Java.

The wayang golek tradition of Central Java.148 pp.


Roth, Alec

New Composition for Javanese Gamelan, Vol. I

A thorough and thoughtful observation of composers and the compositional process at STSI Surakarta. 223 pp.


New Composition for Javanese Gamelan, Vol. II

Complete scores for pieces discussed in the first volume, and translations of source material on contemporary arts. 234 pp.


New Composition for Javanese Gamelan, Vol. & Vol. II



Pengetahuan Membuat Gamelan [The Making of Gamelan Instruments]

Drawings of tools and instrument parts. In Indonesian. 69 pp.


Perkembangan Gamelan Kontemporer di Surakarta [Dev. of Contemporary Gamelan in Surakarta]

History of new musicand major festivals. InIndonesian. 68 pp.


Sadra, I Wayan

Tinjauan Karya-karya Baru [An Exploration of New Compositions]

The history, development, and creative process in new music at STSI Surakarta since the early 70s. In Indonesian. 54 pp.


Sekitar Komposisi Baru

Paper given at the 8th Pekan Komponis Muda. In Indonesian. (Translation in Leonardo Music Journal Vol. I, No. 1.) 25pp.



Sanggit Ginem Adegan Dewaruci Dan Bratasena Dalam Lakon Dewaruci Di Daerah Surakarta [Dialog between Dewaruci and Bratasena in the story Dewaruci.]

In Javanese. 80 pp.


Serafini, Sandra

Timbre Perception of Cultural Insiders: A Case Study with Javanese Gamelan Instruments.

100 pp.



Catur I

Selected wayang scenes. In Javanese. 101 pp.


Lakon Alap-Alapan Sukeksi [The story of the abduction of Sukeksi]

Wayang text in Javanese. 35 pp.


Teks Catur Wayang Kulit Purwa Sala

Dialog and narration for selected scenes. In Javanese. 75 pp.



Perubahan Ruwatan Di Daerah Surakarta [Changes in the ritual "Ruwatan" in the Surakarta area]

In Indonesian. 86 pp.


Sooy, Eric

Gamelan Instruments in Bali: Their History, Makers, and Creation

M.A. thesis, with photos of instrument building. 145 pp.


Sorrell, Neil

A Guide to the Gamelan (second edition)

This new edition features new prefaces and offers readers the history, music and instruments of Central Javanese gamelan.

$15. (note new price)

STSI Denpasar

Daftar Skripsi: 1972-1987

Titles of papers and compositions by graduates of STSI Denpasar. In Indonesian. 16 pp.


Suanda, Endo

Topeng Cirebon: In Its Social Context

M.A. thesis. Includes drawings of instruments, photographs and translations. 272 pp.


Suhastjarja and Soeroso

Pembuatan Gong Besar [Making Large Gongs]

The making of large gongs in the Surakarta area. 105 pp.



Garap Rebab, Kendhang, Gender, dan Vocal dalam Gendhing Bondhet

A thorough analysis of an important piece in the Central Javanese repertoire in slendro and pelog. 245 pp.


Sukerta, Pande Made

Penyusunan Komposisi: Satu Alternatif [Composing New Music: One Alternative]

Experimental composition and new techniques for traditional instruments and everyday objects. In Indonesian. 60 pp.


Rebaban Karawitan Bali [Balinese Rebab]

In Indonesian. 17 pp.



Naskah Siaran Apresiasi Seni [Scripts of a Radio Series on Art Appreciation]

In Indonesian. 174 pp.


Sutrisno, R.

Sekilas Dunia Wayang Dan Sejarahnya [The World of Wayang and Its History]

In Indonesian. 83 pp


Sutton, R. Anderson

The Javanese Gambang and Its Music

M.A. thesis. Includes ensemble transcriptions (gambang, gender, rebab and vocal). 410 pp.


Suwarno, Suratno, Sudarko and Sumanto

Berita Acara Kegiatan Pengumpul Data Pedalangan [Wayang Data Collectors’ Report]

Sections of wayang from various areas of Central Java. In Javanese. 54 pp.


Suwarno, Tukio

Pembuatan Wayang Golek Menak Putihan [Making Wayang Golek]

Making the wooden rod puppets. InIndonesian. 52 pp.


Vetter, Roger

Formal Aspects of Performance Practice in Central Javanese Music

M.A. thesis. Detailed explanation, diagrams & transcriptions.168 pp.



Proses Kumulatif Unsur Unsur Musikal Dalam Diri Empu Karawitan II: Bapak R.L. Martopangrawit.

Notes for a video on R.L. Martopangrawit. 46 pp.


Weintraub, Andrew

A Manual for Learning Sundanese Gamelan

B.A. Thesis. Playing technique, forms, and parts. 54 pp.
