SuhirdjanGamelan Builder and Tuner
To order instruments, contact Suhirdjan and Joan Suyenaga via email or post Gamelan Price List Instruments are made of iron and brass, or of bronze, with frame & stand, and include one set of mallets. There are two prices, determined by the complexity of the carving on the wooden case.Prices are given here in US dollars in the following format: name of instrument, with prices for $plain design /$floral design. If there is no carving involved, only one price is given. IIRON AND BRASS: complete with frame and stand, with one set of mallets Gong:120 Gong Kemodong: 160/210 Suwukan/Siyem: pitch 6, 1s/7p,1p @90; pitch 2,85 Kempul: pitch 3, 65; pitch 5, 6, 7, 1, 2 @60 Gong stands (without naga or cunduk) 130/155; (with naga or cunduk) 275/300 Kenong: pitch 2, 3 @ 100/110; pitch 5, 6, 7, 1, 2 @ 95/105 Kenong renteng 180/195 Kenong japan 140/155 Kethuk: 6p, 2s @65/75 Kempyang (pelog 6-7); Engkuk kemong (slendro 6-1) 100/120 Bonang Barung/Bonang Panerus: slendro (12 plencon) 230/330; pelog (14 plencon)260/360 Bonang Panembung: slendro (10 plencon) 300/340; pelog (14 plencon) 315/400 Slenthem:190/210(Solo)/220(Yogya) Gender Barung (sl, pl bem, pl br): 190/210(Solo)/220(Yogya) Gender pelog with sorogan: 185/200(Solo)/215(Yogya) Gender Panerus:180/195(Solo)/215(Yogya) Saron Yogya/Solo frame Demung (sl 6-1, pl 1-7)145/160 (Solo)/150(Yogya) Barung 120/130(Solo)/150(Yogya) Peking 105/115(Solo)/135(Yogya) Sanga (sl 5-2)130/145(Solo)/165(Yogya) Saron: Box style Demung (sl 6-1, pl 1-7)115/125 Barung 105/115 Peking 85/95 Sanga (sl 5-2) 115/125 Gambang 210/235 Rebab (with box & stand) 105/120 Suling @ $6; stand for 2-4 suling 30/45 Siter (slendro or pelog) 85 Siter peking (slendro & pelog) 75/85 Clempung 190 Mallets: complete set 60 Kendang Bedhugan (Ageng) 160/190 Batangan (Ciblon) 120/150 Ketipung 95/120 Kosek (Wayangan) 135/160 BRONZE: complete with frame and stand, with one set of mallets Gong: 1,650 Suwukan/Siyem: pitch 6, 750; pitch 2, 1, or 7, 610 Kempul: 385 enong: 300/315 Kenong japan 340/355 Kethuk: 6p, 2s:130/140 Kempyang (pelog 6-7), Engkuk kemong (slendro 6-1): 235/250\ Bonang Barung slendro (12 plencon): 950/1050 Bonang Barung pelog (14 plencon): 1100/1175 Bonang Panerus slendro (10 plencon): 825/900 Bonang Panerus pelog (14 plencon):925/1000 Slenthem: 320/340(Solo)/370 (Yogya) Gender Barung: 285/300 (Solo)/340 (Yogya) Gender Panerus: 260/275 (Solo)/300 (Yogya) Saron: Yogya/Solo frame Demung (sl 6-1, pl 1-7) 475/490 (Solo)/510 (Yogya) Barung 370/380 (Solo)/400(Yogya) Peking 340/350 (Solo)/370(Yogya) Sanga (sl 5-2) 405/440 (Solo)/440 (Yogya) Saron: Box style Demung (sl 6-1, pl 1-7) 420/440 Barung 345/355 Peking 310/320 Sanga (sl 5-2)375/385 Mallets gong 3.50 suwukan/kempul 4 kenong/bonang/kempyang 3.50/p slenthem/gender/gambang 4 saron 1.50 Box for mallets 35/50 Other instruments same as above in iron/brass price list. Prices are quoted in US$, and are subject to change. Shipping is not included, but can be arranged. |