CD ON NEW WORLD RECORDS In That Bright World: Music for Javanese Gamelan Sabbath Bride (mp3 recording from New World album)Liner notes by Dr. Judith Becker Recordings on line Sabbath Bride (version by Nick Didkovsky). In That Bright World, from the cassette B.A.N.G. (Bay Area New Gamelan). Pangkur 1928 Recordings on CD and cassette composer/performer New Music for American Gamelan, Vol. II, featuring "In That Bright World" by J. Diamond, "Gending Chelsea" by Diamond and Virgil Thomson, music by Mantle Hood, and others. Recorded for Music Masters in 1991. Unreleased. "Pangkur N.Z." on Musicworks Cassette No.47, Summer 1990. Distributed by Musicworks and Frog Peak Music. Dafos. Reference Recordings RR-12; "In the Hall of the Ice King," percussion arrangements with Mickey Hart (also released on CD). "In That Bright World," on cassette B.A.N.G.: Bay Area New Gamelan, produced and distributed by the American Gamelan Institute. Also released on TELLUS Audio Cassette Magazine, New York 1986. musical director/performer Lou Harrison: Music for Gamelan. Recorded 1991, released on Music Masters label, 1992. (As of 2009, out of print.) Served as co-director of gamelan group, composer for vocal parts for "Prelude to KPFA" and production assitant for editing. In Celebration of Golden Rain. Cambridge Records CRS 2560; compositions for gamelan by Lou Harrison, and gamelan and organ by Richard Felciano. Re-released on Opus One CD in 1992. "Double Concerto for Gamelan, Violin, and Cello", by Lou Harrison, performed by the Mills College Gamelan Si Darius, on TRS LP and CD. "Concerto for Piano and Javanese Gamelan," by Lou Harrison, on "Interactions: New Music for Gamelan" from Leonardo Music Journal, Fall 1992. performer "B'rey Sheet" for voice and interactive computer, by Larry Polansky, Frog Peak Music (cassette) and on The Theory of Impossible Melody CD on Artifact Records (re-released on New World Records, 2008.) Yamantaka; a Tibetan Tale, on Deutsche-Gramophone; persussionist for Mickey Hart. "Move with the Times," by I Wayan Sadra. Recorded at Lokananta Studios in Central Java, Indonesia, as part of a composer commissioning project. Released on New Music Sampler with Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. I , 1991. "Work in Progress" (voice, Javanese gender) by Wayan Sadra, and "Al Het" (voice, percussion) by Larry Polansky, released on Interactions: New Music for Gamelan with Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. 2, 1992. producer New Music Indonesia, Vol. I (Sunda), Vol. II (Central Java). New Music Commissioning Project in Indonesia, 1989. (Liner notes, see publications.) Vol. III, Karya: Music of I Wayan Sadra, recorded in Indonesia and remastered at the Mills College Center for Contemporary Music in 1991. Released on CD by Lyrichord Discs, 1993. (Vol. III released on cassette by American Gamelan Institute and Frog Peak Music, 1990.) Interaction: New Music for Gamelan. CD for Leonardo Music Journal, published by M.I.T. Press. Released Fall of 1992. Leonardo Music Journal New Music Sampler. Served on international panel to select pieces, included one work produced by J. Diamond: "Stay A Maverick" by Wayan Sadra. Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. I, No. 1, 1991. |