This is the beginning of a list of people, groups, and institutions in Indonesia that are involved with gamelan and related arts. Contributions from members of Indonesian groups are both needed and welcomed.
This page is hosted by the American Gamelan Institute and maintained by Jody Diamond and Barbara Benary. If you are aware of any errors, or wish to suggest additions, contact changes[@]
USU: University of North Sumatra, Medan
Nommensen University, Medan
ASKI Padang Panjang
IKJ: Institut Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Arts Institute)
Jl. Cikini Raya No. 73
Jakarta Pusat 10330
Pusat Kesenian Jakarta - TIM
Telp. 021-3924018
Fax. 021-31924807
Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI) Bandung.
Jalan Buahbatu No. 212 Bandung 40265
Tlp. 62-22-7314982
Fax. 62-22-7303021
Departments of Dance, Theater, Music, and Visual Art
Composer : DEDY SATYA HADIANDA, Group : Musik Ensambel ZITHERMANIA (since 1993)
Composer: NANO S and Rineka Seni
Sunda Gentra Madya
Rineka Seni Sunda Gentra Madya is both a touring arts group and a
foundation for promotion of traditional and new arrangements of
Sundanese arts founded and directed by Nano S.
ISI: Institut Seni Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
Gono Arts Studio and Joglo Jago. Artists, musicians, dancers and writers. Address: Wirosaban Barat 3. Yogyakarta.
Cemeti Art House
Jl.D.I. Panjaitan No.41
Yogyakarta 55143 Indonesia
Tel/Fax: +62 274 371015
E-mail :
Experimental and innovative exhibitions, performances, and collaborative projects.
The Gamelans of the Kraton Yogyakarta. Compiled by Roger Vetter, with photos, recordings,and essays.
ISI Surakarta National Arts Institute in Surakarta
Jl. Ki Hadjar Dewantara 19, Surakarta 57126
Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Telepon 0271-647658
Fax 0271-646175
CP : Humas
Telepon 0271-647658 Psw 1008
HP : 085229041483 (Bpk. Heru)
STSI Surakarta page on Joglosemar
TBS Surakarta
Gamelan Manikasanti
instruments: similar to Gong Kebyar with 7-tone scale, added
gangsa, jongkok, gambang, caruk (saron)
repertoire: gamelan Gambang, Gambuh, Slonding, Luang, Semar
Pegulingan, Pelegongan, Gong Kebyar, Gong Gede, Angklung, Beleganjur,
I Wayan Sinti
Jl. Seroja
Perumahan Nindya Indah VI/4
Tonja, Denpasar
Bali, Indonesia
Tel: (0361) 428-396
Narrative: Built in 1994 in
Bali based on a scale created by I Wayan Sinti, and the bronze
instruments were built by the late I Wayan Tomblos from Klungkung,
gambang and saron (caruk) by I Wayan Sinti. The cases were built by
Gede Adi. Manikasanti is located in Banjar Dauh Kutuh, Ubung Kaja
Denpasar, Bali.
Mekar Bhuana
Mekar Bhuana Centre
Ensembles: 1 antique Seven-tone Semara Pagulingan set, 1 antique Semara Patangian / Five-tone Semara Pagulingan set, 1 Six-tone Semara Pagulingan set (keys only), 1 antique Old-fashioned-style Angklung set, 1 antique Lombok-style Angklung set, 1 Selonding (Besakih Temple style) set, 1 Gambang (Bebandem style) set, 1 Saron Caruk set, 5 sets of antique Gender Wayang, 1 antique Gong Bheri set, 1 antique Baleganjur set, 1 Pejogedan set and 1 antique Javanese (pelog) set
Repertoire: traditional, mostly reconstructed from vintage field recordings
Contacts: Vaughan Hatch (founder) and Putu Evie Suyadnyani (director)
Jl. Gandapura III, 501X, Kesiman Kertalangu, Denpasar 80237 – Bali, Indonesia
Tel: 62-81-999-191104 / 6 or 62-81-246-877087
Email:, and
Websites: (centre) and (online store)
Established in the year 2000, Mekar Bhuana Centre has the aim of reconstructing and restoring rare and lost Balinese gamelan and dance repertoire and instruments. The centre uses the largest collection of privately owned antique gamelan ensembles in the world to faithfully reconstruct music that has often been lost for many generations. Education and repatriation are a main focus, and over the decades Mekar Bhuana has increasingly generated interest among Balinese youth who are keen to revitalize aspects of their performing art-forms that have disappeared. Mekar Bhuana Centre’s sustainability relies on support from, patrons, sponsors and donations, as well as income from their workshop and cultural immersion programs and Mekar Bhuana Online Store.
National Institute of the Arts (I.S.I) Denpasar. (official website)
Yayasan Seni Dunia Tradisional
(Foundation for Traditional Arts of the World) Girikusuma (Flower
Payangan, Bali, Indonesia
ISI Denpasar ( website of the academy, in Indonesian.
ISI Surakarta ( website of the academy (known as STSI until September 2006), mainly in Indonesian.
ISI Yogyakarta ( website of the academy, mainly in Indonesian.