Barbara Benary

Benary Score Collections


Volume I: the braid pieces

Volume II: satires

Volume III: pieces in a single tuning

Volume IV: pieces in mixed tunings

Volume V: Introduction. Scores in .mus format, available on request.

Volume VI: Introduction

Angklung Book Sampler. Scores for pieces for gamelan angklung (four-tone slendro), and in formation on making bamboo angklung.

Benary Video and Audio Recordings


Mostly Slendro Passacaglia, by Barbara Benary. Audio recording from New Gamelan/New York, Gamelan Son of Lion Records GSOL CD-1.

Wayang Esther: A Purimspiel. Video. Music and libretto by Barbara Benary, puppets by Barbara Pollit and Joko Susilo, with Gamelan Son of Lion and guests.

Karna, a shadow puppet opera. Video. (Excerpts only.) Scenes from a wayang by Barbara Benary, with Son of Lion and singers.